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Hexagon zuru ezu nuckel akụ
Hexagon zuru ezu nuckel akụ
Hexagon zuru ezu nuckel akụ
Hexagon zuru ezu nuckel akụ
Hexagon zuru ezu nuckel akụ
Hexagon zuru ezu nuckel akụ
Hexagon zuru ezu nuckel akụ

Hexagon zuru ezu nuckel akụ


Ụdị Ụgwọ:T/T,L/C,D/P,D/A,Paypal
Min. Nhazi:1000 Piece/Pieces
Ụgbọ njem:Ocean,Land,Air,Express,Others
Njirimara Ngwaahịa


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Ogige ndị na-ejikọ
Nkọwapụta ngwaahịa

Hexagon zuru ezu nuckel akụ na-akụ, na-egbu egbu, akụ, ndị na-akwọ ya

Anyị na-eme ihe na:

1. Achịcha ájá (ígwè isi awọ, ígwè na-akụ, aluminom, wdg)

2. Itinye ego (igwe carbon, igwe anaghị agba nchara, alloy steel, wdg.)

3. Dọkịta na-anwụ (aluminom, zinc, wdg)

3. Oke igwe (CNC na, LETE, LETE, igwe na-egwuri egwu, igwe igwe, igwe na-atụnye igwe, wdg)

Akwụkwọ Asambodo: ISO9001: 2015, ts16949

Akụkụ ndị mepụtara mepụtara na akụkụ akpaaka: mmiri ugbo; Ụkpụrụ ụlọ, igwe, ọgwụ; Ngwa nri, valves na ndị ọzọ. Ihe anyị ji aluminom; Ọla ọcha; Ọla; Ọla kọpa; carbon steel; igwe anaghị agba nchara na nke dị ka oge ahụ, anyị nwere ike inye cnc machiny; Phsph. Nhazi BlackEnding; na-ekpo ọkụ na-ekpo ọkụ: Efere mkpuchi: Eserese: ịkọwapụta ndị ahịa.
A na-ere ngwaahịa 85% na esenidụt, ndị ahịa si America, Canada, Europe Union, wdg.

Hexagon Full Nut Nickel Plated Nut

Kedu ụdị ngwaahịa anyị nwere ike inye?

Products According to the customers'technical drawings or s amples
Casting Material Cast Iron, ductile iron, Grey iron, GG25, GG20, GGG40, GGG50, GGG60 GGG70: 
Casting Product Weight available from 0.02kg to 3000kg
Surface Treatment Oxidation
Plating zinc
Hot galvanized
Powder coating
Sand blasting
Vbration Grinding
Inspection *100% ins pection before shipping, offer the material reports and mechanical property reports
*Control Plan and PPAP documents according to the clients'requirements
*ISO9001: 2015 quality control system
Extra Service CNC machining servce in our machining workshop
Advantages * The dimensions and outs ide shape are similar with investment casting
*The surface roughness is good from 2.5 to 25um(100 to 1000um
*The min thickness can meet 3 mm(0. 120inch)
*decrease the internal crack and keep close structure
*As no joint and defect the cleaning and machining work can be less
*it's cheaper because its a simpler process and the foam is cheaper than the wax

Mmelite mmeghe

Comptory metụtara

onye mgbako

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Nkwupụta nzuzo: Nzuzo gị dị anyị ezigbo mkpa. Companylọ ọrụ anyị na-ekwe nkwa igosipụta ozi nkeonwe gị na mgbasa ozi ọ bụla na-egosi na ọ bụla e ji ikike doo.
